
środa, 2 kwietnia 2014


The first battle of the Marne has placed 5th - 9th September 1914 up the river Marne 
near Paris. Althought it wasn't the bloodiest, it has surely the biggest meaning for the 
subsequent development of the war. The battle finished German's defeat. If there had 
been differently, Germans would  probably seize Paris and that would have an important 
influence on developments.

The third of August 1914 German army came to France via the neutral Belgium and began
 the offensive towards Paris. It seemed that anybody will stop Germans, but the French 
happily stopped theme up the river Marne. (So that's why that battle is called "the Miracle 
of the Marne").

So let's consider what contributed to that "miracle" ?

 Look ath the photo and what do you see?

Yup, this is the Parisian taxi. Exactly the 6 hundreds of that kind of the taxi was confiscated
 by general Joseph Gallini to transpose the half of the french army on place of the battle.

When general Joseph Joffre sawed the coming soldiers, he said "Eh bien, voilà au moins qui
 n’est pas banal!" (well, this is it original!).

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